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  1. A member of my family recently passed away. Can I donate his/her left over medications to the program?

  2. A member of my family recently passed away. Can I donate his/her left over medications to the program?

  3. A patient has chronic hip infections, has a hip replacement and develops an infection. After treatment, the patient returns to the OR for revision and develops an infection with the same organism. Is this person counted twice in the denominator and twice for an infection? The patient appeared to have been completely treated, so wound class was designated as "clean". 1/19/2006

  4. A SMHW client had a breast ultrasound result of Category 4, what should I do?

  5. Am I a lodging establishment?

  6. Am I required to be Nationally Registered to work in Missouri?

  7. Am I required to be Nationally Registered to work in Missouri?

  8. Are all caregivers required to pay the registration fee?

  9. Are any lodging establishments exempt?

  10. Are child care licenses permanent?

  11. Are employees of public schools required to register with the Family Care Safety Registry?

  12. Are fresh water fish caught in Missouri’s lakes, rivers and streams, safe to eat?

  13. Are graham crackers, vanilla wafers, or animal crackers considered a "sweet snack"?

  14. Are health care providers required to report substance use by pregnant women?

  15. Are health care providers required to report substance use by pregnant women?

  16. Are honey teddy grahams considered a sweet item?

  17. Are hospitals required to report all CLAB infections identified in the facility? 5/10/2005

  18. Are items such as thickening agents provided by the Missouri WIC program?

  19. Are laparoscopic hysterectomies reportable? 1/19/2006

  20. Are lodging licenses transferable?

  21. Are patients on tracheostomy tubes counted?

  22. Are permanent shunts and balloon pumps considered central lines? 5/20/2005

  23. Are small hospitals purposely being exempted?

  24. Are staff members allowed to drink water in between meals, while around the children?

  25. Are TEL-LINK brochures available?

  26. Are the surgical site infection data adjusted for risk level?

  27. Are there additional "markers" for the superficial infection definition? For example, if the physician describes the wound as red and starts antibiotics, or antibiotics are started but the physician really does not think it is an infection. 1/19/2006

  28. Are there any grants available to assist with funding for my ADC program?

  29. Are there any regulations for operating a lodging establishment?

  30. Are there foreign language operators?

  31. Are there grants available to start a long-term care facility?

  32. Are there local YRBSS data available?

  33. Are there local YTS data available?

  34. Are there other states that have conducted a large county survey like this one?

  35. Are there other symptoms of health problems, other than lung cancer, that are associated with radon gas exposure?

  36. Are there particular things I should observe when conducting an inspection?

  37. Are there requirements for maintaining my state registration?

  38. Are we required to use the permutation table, or can we choose another method to randomly select our observation day?

  39. As an employer, how do I check on the status of a GCW?

  40. As an employer, who do I contact to determine whether an individual who has a disqualifying finding (identified in Section 192.2495. RSMo.) reported in his or her background screening may work conditionally?

  41. As an examiner may I refuse to retest a student that has failed the first time?

  42. As an examiner may I refuse to test a student that is disruptive or disrespectful?

  43. As an instructor, how many CNA students may I have in class?

  44. As of July 1, 2009, is participation still voluntary?

  45. Can a facility disenroll my child?

  46. Can a lead risk assessor write lead abatement project specifications?

  47. Can a licensed lead inspector or lead risk assessor conduct limited testing, screening, surveying, or evaluation for the presence of lead-based paint or lead-based paint hazards?

  48. Can a licensed nurse practitioner perform the medical assessment and sign the physician’s orders in lieu of the physician?

  49. Can a long-term-care facility donate the unused drugs of a resident?

  50. Can a long-term-care facility donate the unused drugs of a resident?

  51. Can a patient have more than one CLAB infection during his/her stay in the ICU? 7/1/2005

  52. Can a person be too old or sick to donate?

  53. Can a person voluntarily register?

  54. Can a physician use a stamp for their signature?

  55. Can a single-family dwelling (house) be converted into a licensed RCF?

  56. Can a SMHW provider or subcontractor bill a SMHW client for any SMHW services?

  57. Can a woman or child over 2 years of age receive whole milk?

  58. Can a woman or child receive a combination of exempt formula(s) or WIC- eligible nutritionals?

  59. Can an employer submit a Worker Registration form and pay the registration fee for an employee?

  60. Can an EMT-Basic perform blood glucose analysis?

  61. Can an EMT-Basic perform blood glucose analysis?

  62. Can anyone call or text TEL-LINK?

  63. Can certified EPA Renovators take paint chip samples in Missouri for renovation projects?

  64. Can EMT-Basics attend advanced level classes and get CEU's?

  65. Can EMT-Basics attend advanced level classes and get CEU's?

  66. Can facilities use separate systems to report the mandated information to the DHSS (e.g., Use AICE!® to report surgical procedures and MHIRS to report CLAB data)? 5/27/2005

  67. Can fresh (raw) fruits and vegetables be lightly steamed and still count towards this guideline, as in a stir-fry?

  68. Can I access my Registry record?

  69. Can I appeal my FCSR background results?

  70. Can I apply for licensure before I have completed the appropriate lead training?

  71. Can I be a donor without being in the Registry?

  72. Can I be a donor without being in the Registry?

  73. Can I collect paint chip, soil, or dust wipe samples without being licensed as a lead inspector or risk assessor?

  74. Can I direct a donation?

  75. Can I donate meat to a food pantry?

  76. Can I fax or email paperwork in to your office?

  77. Can I get all of my CEU's off the Internet?

  78. Can I get all of my CEU's off the Internet?

  79. Can I get all of my CEU's off the Internet?

  80. Can I make changes to the data in the table?

  81. Can I pay for the license with cash or use a credit card?

  82. Can I perform lead abatement activities on a dwelling that I own without being licensed as a lead abatement professional?

  83. Can I produce sprouts as a home-based business?

  84. Can I receive Medicaid or Medicare in an RCF or ALF?

  85. Can I sell fish that I caught to a local restaurant?

  86. Can I sell homemade soaps and lotions/balms at a farmer’s market?

  87. Can I sell my honey, maple syrup and/or sorghum in a retail store?

  88. Can I sell my products that I make at home over the internet?

  89. Can I sell wild mushrooms to the public?

  90. Can I sign up my children?

  91. Can I specify or change limitations in my record?

  92. Can I start my business in my home?

  93. Can I subcontract my employees?

  94. Can I submit information for review prior to my “official” submission of the information so that I know the information is correct and my proposal will not be denied?

  95. Can I take my name out of the Registry if I change my mind?

  96. Can I work in Missouri with just a National Registry Card?

  97. Can I work in Missouri with just a National Registry Card?

  98. Can I, as a homeowner, install my own onsite sewage system?

  99. Can Jell-o be served at lunch?

  100. Can mandarin oranges be packed in syrup and then rinse them before serving?

  101. Can men receive WIC benefits?

  102. Can men receive WIC benefits?

  103. Can my body be donated for the study of science after donation of organs and tissue?

  104. Can my pharmacy get drugs from other pharmacies for me?

  105. Can my pharmacy get drugs from other pharmacies for me?

  106. Can my relatives make the donation decision?

  107. Can my well be condemned if my water test results indicate chemicals/bacteria?

  108. Can nursing homes use a deceased resident's unused drugs for other residents?

  109. Can nursing homes use a deceased resident's unused drugs for other residents?

  110. Can organs be given to people of a different racial group or gender?

  111. Can participants receive both milk and formula?

  112. Can sugar be added to hot cereal, such as oatmeal or cream of wheat, if the amount of sugar added fits within the sugar limit for cereals in the Eat Smart Guidelines, without counting as a sweet item?

  113. Can sugar be added to hot cereal, such as oatmeal or cream of wheat, if the amount of sugar added fits within the sugar limit for cereals in the Eat Smart Guidelines, without counting as a sweet item?

  114. Can TEL-LINK answer specific questions about my health?

  115. Can the center serve hotdogs at a fundraiser event they have?

  116. Can the director, designated manager and RN be the same person for the in-home services agency?

  117. Can the provider transport my child?

  118. Can the WIC local agency complete section C “WIC Supplemental Food” on the Medical Documentation Form (WIC-27) prior to faxing or the participant taking the form to the doctor’s office?

  119. Can these disorders be cured?

  120. Can wild game animals be served in retail food establishments?

  121. Data collection will be difficult on weekends, due to the shortage of staff. Can we adjust the permutation schedule to exclude data collection on weekends?

  122. Do all Merit jobs require tests?

  123. Do any other states have standards regarding the number of infection control practitioners (ICPs) per facility or per patient load?

  124. Do ASCs associated with a hospital report separately or are their data included with the hospital's data?

  125. Do central lines include the following: implantable-ports, non-tunneled TLC, Swan Ganz catheter, tunneled-Broviac, Groshong, Quinton, Hickman, ASHE catheter, PICC, and umbilical lines? If yes, would they be counted in central line-days for that unit? 5/20/2005

  126. Do construction plans need to be drawn, signed and sealed by a registered architect?

  127. Do French toast sticks count as a sweet breakfast item?

  128. Do green beans and peas count toward this guideline?

  129. Do green beans and peas count toward this guideline?

  130. Do health fairs or special events count as screening mechanisms?

  131. Do I have to attend Provider Certification Training before submitting my IHS proposal?

  132. Do I have to be licensed as a lead inspector or risk assessor to use an XRF?

  133. Do I have to be licensed by the Lead Licensing Program to conduct renovation and remodeling activities in a dwelling that contains lead-based paint?

  134. Do I have to carry all authorized food types?

  135. Do I have to have a store and a store name before I submit an application?

  136. Do I have to have an advance directive for health care choices to be a donor?

  137. Do I have to put the "This product is made in a home kitchen not subject to inspection" on my product, or can I use a placard or sign?

  138. Do I have to renew my donor designation on my license every time my license is renewed?

  139. Do I have to sign a donor card or my driver license?

  140. Do I have to tell my family?

  141. Do I need a food permit from the state for my restaurant?

  142. Do I need a license to operate a lodging establishment?

  143. Do I need a license to sell farm eggs?

  144. Do I need a permit to install an onsite system?

  145. Do I need a valid sanitation report?

  146. Do I need ingredients on my product label?

  147. Do I need to include nutritional information on my product?

  148. Do I need to register with the Missouri Secretary of State's Office for a charter number?

  149. Do I report each case of MRSA and VRE?

  150. Do I still need a prescription to get my medicine, even if it is donated?

  151. Do I still need a prescription to get my medicine, even if it is donated?

  152. Do individuals/contractors involved in demolition of structures with components containing lead-bearing substances need to be licensed by the Lead Licensing Program?

  153. Do other agencies operate summer feeding sites?

  154. Do rehabilitation centers have to report?

  155. Do the kids have to take at least something of every meal component for CACFP family style meal service?

  156. Do we count isolates used for routine surveillance?

  157. Do you have a template or sample I could use to prepare my proposal?

  158. Do you have to make the actual observation or can it be done by chart review?

  159. Does a chronic health problem keep me from being a donor?

  160. Does Chapter 191.725-191.745 allow practitioners to conduct drug screens on pregnant women or their children?

  161. Does cream cheese count as a meat/meat alternate?

  162. Does DHSS conduct other BRFSS-like surveys?

  163. Does my license expire?

  164. Does TEL-LINK give recommendations for health care providers?

  165. Does the birthweight of the infant ever change? E.g., an infant is admitted to a NICU from another hospital. Do you use the weight on admission or do you use the birthweight? 9/16/2005

  166. Does the member have to fill the prescription or just receive the written prescription at time of discharge? (Beta-Blocker Treatment After a Heart Attack)

  167. Does the Missouri WIC program require stores to have a minimum square footage?

  168. Does the Registry allow me to sign up as a marrow or living donor?

  169. Does the RN of the in-home services agency have to be a full time employee?

  170. Does the state law require an inspection or evaluation of my onsite sewage system before I sell my home?

  171. Does this include foods purchased at the store?

  172. Does WIC offer breast pumps?

  173. Does WIC offer breast pumps?

  174. During what hours can I call or text TEL-LINK?

  175. Follow your doctor’s directions carefully. Take all the antibiotic medicine your doctor prescribes to you. Don’t save the medicine for the next time you are sick. If you skip even one or two pills, some bacteria might be left in your body and resist future antibiotic treatment.

  176. For small facilities with limited ventilator usage, do we do 100% review?

  177. For the IHS program, does the insurance coverage have to be in effect when I submit my proposal?

  178. From hire date, how long may I work in a certified facility without being a Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA)?

  179. Has anyone from an ASC been contacted for feedback on the rules impacting ASCs? 5/10/2005

  180. Have there been any registration/renewal processing fee changes?

  181. How about credit for teaching?

  182. How about credit for teaching?

  183. How and when were 2011 CLS data collected?

  184. How are background results delivered?

  185. How are BRFSS data collected?

  186. How are BRFSS data used?

  187. How are meals provided?

  188. How are the data be presented for the public? 3/5/08

  189. How are the major allergens supposed to be listed on the label?

  190. How are the screening results reported and who are they reported to?

  191. How can a facility be certified for participation in the Medicare and/ or Medicaid program? How do I obtain an application?

  192. How can Family Partnership help my child and our family?

  193. How can healthcare providers help prevent the spread of antibiotic resistance?

  194. How can I access BRFSS data?

  195. How can I become an organ, eye, and tissue donor?

  196. How can I become involved in the prevention of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome in Missouri?

  197. How can I define my own colors?

  198. How can I find a WIC Agency close to me?

  199. How can I find a WIC local agency close to me?

  200. How can I find child care for a child with special needs?

  201. How can I find contact information on other Local WIC Providers?

  202. How can I find out which specific food items are authorized on WIC?

  203. How can I get an application packet to become a WIC authorized retailer in Missouri?

  204. How can I get information on the Food Stamp Program?

  205. How can I get information on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)?

  206. How can I keep from getting a healthcare-associated infection?

  207. How can I obtain a regulation book?

  208. How can I obtain the complete study results?

  209. How can I prevent antibiotic-resistant infections?

  210. How can I print my donor card?

  211. How can I print out the table of attributes?

  212. How can I protect my child?

  213. How can I provide personal care services for children?

  214. How can I receive background screening information for non-employment purposes?

  215. How can I refuse to make an anatomical gift and bar others from doing so on my behalf?

  216. How can I remove my name from the Registry?

  217. How can I sign up?

  218. How can lead affect my child?

  219. How can my child receive and stay eligible for SSI benefits?

  220. How can my organs and tissues be used for research?

  221. How can this web site be useful to me?

  222. How common is cystic fibrosis?

  223. How common is Hemophilia A?

  224. How common is Hemophilia B?

  225. How common is sickle cell anemia?

  226. How common is Von Willebrand's dieaese?

  227. How do CEU's benefit onsite professionals?

  228. How do contaminants (bacteria and chemicals) get into my well water?

  229. How do hospitals receive designation as a trauma, stroke or heart center?

  230. How do I apply for a job in the Department of Health and Senior Services?

  231. How do I apply for a lead license?

  232. How do I apply to be a medicaid provider for adult day care or aged/disabled waiver services?

  233. How do I become a state registered installer?

  234. How do I become a WIC vendor?

  235. How do I become licensed to inspect onsite sewage systems for real estate sales?

  236. How do I certify my product as organic?

  237. How do I change my operating hours on my license?

  238. How do I choose a health care plan that will work for my family?

  239. How do I decrease the number of licensed beds in my facility?

  240. How do I dispose of lead-contaminated waste and debris following abatement?

  241. How do I ensure safe food temperatures during a power outage?

  242. How do I file a complaint about a WIC local agency?

  243. How do I file a complaint about the WIC clinic in my area?

  244. How do I file a complaint?

  245. How do I find a repository site from which I may obtain donated drugs?

  246. How do I find a repository site from which I may obtain donated drugs?

  247. How do I find a repository site where I may donate drugs?

  248. How do I find a repository site where I may donate drugs?

  249. How do I find out about complaints made against a provider?

  250. How do I find out about my baby’s results?

  251. How do I find out where the medicine I need has been donated?

  252. How do I find out where the medicine I need has been donated?

  253. How do I get a copy of my lodging inspection report?

  254. How do I get a copy of the Application?

  255. How do I get a copy of the Food Code?

  256. How do I get a copy of the lodging statute and/or rule?

  257. How do I get a license?

  258. How do I get a Missouri Controlled Substances Registration?

  259. How do I get access to the GIS data library?

  260. How do I get certified in Missouri to be a food handler?

  261. How do I get my registration certificate?

  262. How do I get reimbursed for the WIC checks?

  263. How do I get reimbursed?

  264. How do I get WIC customers?

  265. How do I handle a change of name or address?

  266. How do I handle a change of ownership in my business?

  267. How do I handle a loss of controlled substances?

  268. How do I increase the number of licensed beds in my facility?

  269. How do I interpret the tables?

  270. How do I keep my CNA license active?

  271. How do I make a complaint about a problem at a food establishment or report getting a food-borne illness from a food establishment?

  272. How do I make changes to my registration?

  273. How do I make my decision known?

  274. How do I obtain a listing of facilities with Alzheimer's Special Care Unit?

  275. How do I obtain the names and addresses for facilities by county?

  276. How do I print my Registry record?

  277. How do I prove that I am eligible to receive drugs?

  278. How do I prove that I am eligible to receive drugs?

  279. How do I report a change of operator to the Department of Health & Senior Services?

  280. How do I set my map so the sizes of my labels and marker (point) symbols look right at the final page size I am using?

  281. How do I test for radon and can I do it myself?

  282. How do I transfer my out-of-state CNA certification to Missouri?

  283. How do I update my Merit application?

  284. How do I update my personal information?

  285. How do you determine which unit to “credit” with a bloodstream infection (BSI)? E.g., on May 2 patient is in the medical ICU; on May 3 patient is transferred to the coronary ICU; symptoms develop on May 4. Which unit is “credited”? 5/20/2005

  286. How do you get cystic fibrosis?

  287. How do you get Hemophilia A?

  288. How do you get Hemophilia B?

  289. How do you get sickle cell anemia or trait?

  290. How do you treat Von Willebrand's disease?

  291. How does a homeowner know what type of onsite system is needed?

  292. How does a person register?

  293. How does the PRAMS Survey work?

  294. How does the PRAMS Survey work?

  295. How does the TCD System work?

  296. How is "employment purposes" defined in Chapter 210.921, RSMo?

  297. How is a sponsor reimbursed?

  298. How is background information requested from the Family Care Safety Registry?

  299. How is cystic fibrosis treated?

  300. How is Hemophilia A treated?

  301. How is Hemophilia B treated?

  302. How is information from the Family Care Safety Registry disclosed?

  303. How is MHD notified I have a contract with the Department of Health and Senior Services?

  304. How is my baby's hearing tested?

  305. How is sickle cell anemia detected?

  306. How is the blood spot screening collected?

  307. How is the testing done?

  308. How is the virus transmitted?

  309. How long does it take to get a registration?

  310. How long does it take to process my application?

  311. How long does the application process take?

  312. How long is the Participation Agreement (PA) period?

  313. How long will my name stay on the register?

  314. How many breath analyzer instruments do we have in use within our state?

  315. How many CEU's do I need to relicense in Missouri?

  316. How many CEU's do I need to relicense in Missouri?

  317. How many children can I care for without being licensed?

  318. How many children may a licensed facility care for at one time?

  319. How many long-term care facilities does the Section for Long-Term Care Regulation license?

  320. How many oats or other whole grain would the cook need to add to a baking mix for it to be considered a whole grain item?

  321. How many persons can I care for before I need a license to operate a long-term care facility?

  322. How many private drinking water wells are there in Missouri?

  323. How many registrations do I need?

  324. How much alcohol is safe, what type of alcohol is safe and is there a time when alcohol is "safe" during pregnancy?

  325. How much do I charge for the food items that are approved for WIC?

  326. How much does a construction permit cost?

  327. How much does the license cost?

  328. How much formula can be provided to infants over six (6) months of age whose medical condition prevents them from consuming complementary infant food?

  329. How much inventory do I have to have before my on-site review?

  330. How much meat/meat alternate needs to be served at breakfast to meet the guideline?

  331. How much will I have to pay for a prescription filled with donated drugs?

  332. How much will I have to pay for a prescription filled with donated drugs?

  333. How much will testing cost?

  334. How often are providers inspected?

  335. How often do I need to take a refresher course?

  336. How often do I report MRSA and VRE?

  337. How often must a person register?

  338. How severe is the illness?

  339. How should my baby ride in the car?

  340. How should my baby sleep in the crib?

  341. How should our hospital handle reporting for ICUs not mentioned in the rule, e.g., we have a cardiothoracic ICU, would this be considered a "coronary ICU"?

  342. How soon after I am licensed will participants be placed into my program?

  343. How was I chosen to participate in PRAMS?

  344. How was I chosen to participate in PRAMS?

  345. How will I be notified about the New WIC Retailer training class?

  346. How will I be notified regarding the outcome of a GCW?

  347. How will I know if I have sickle cell trait?

  348. How will I know what sites to inspect?

  349. How will I learn about the provider’s rules and policies?

  350. How will the Family Care Safety Registry handle Amendment 3 expungements?

  351. How will the information be used?

  352. I am a CMT and/or a LIMA, may I give insulin injections?

  353. I am a medication technician in another state. How do I transfer my certification to Missouri?

  354. I am a nursing student may I be a Certified Nurse Assistant?

  355. I am a physician. How do I refer my patients to WIC?

  356. I am an uncertified nurse assistant. Which nursing services may I provide while in training?

  357. I am going to open a new lodging establishment, who should I contact? (or what do I do?)

  358. I am in need of a living donor, is social media safe to use to search for a potential living donor?

  359. I am licensed by DHSS and DMH. Some of the requirements are different for each program. How do I know what regulation I should follow?

  360. I am not going to provide nursing services under the in-home services program. Do I have to employ a registered nurse (RN)?

  361. I am the administrator of a long-term-care facility. One of our residents passed away. How do I go about donating the resident's left over medications to the program?

  362. I am the administrator of a long-term-care facility. One of our residents passed away. How do I go about donating the resident's left over medications to the program?

  363. I challenged the Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA) exam and failed. What do I do?

  364. I completed my CNA course but didn't take the exam. May I do that now?

  365. I completed Provider Certification Training years ago and received a certificate. Can I still be a designated manager?

  366. I currently have a contract to provide either IHS or CDS. Do I have to submit a proposal in order to be considered for a contract to provide the other service (either IHS or CDS)?

  367. I do not want to sign up online. Is there another way for me to register?

  368. I don't read very well, may the CNA examiner read the examination to me?

  369. I don’t know where to begin. Are there some existing maps I can use as a base for my project?

  370. I don’t like how my labels are placed. Some are covering up the feature they are labeling. How can I fix this?

  371. I don’t see any symbols in the Symbology Selector that I like. Are there more symbols that I can pick from?

  372. I don’t understand the laboratory report, what do the numbers mean?

  373. I don’t work in the Wildwood complex, how can I get the data updates as they become available?

  374. I have a Federal Marker for abuse, neglect or misappropriation of funds. When may I go back to work in a nursing home or nursing agency?

  375. I have a Level I Medication Aide (LIMA) certification, where may I pass medications?

  376. I have a map that has a red exclamation (!) next to some of the layer, and the layer doesn’t draw. What is this and can I fix it?

  377. I have a person serving as my health care proxy with a signed power of attorney. Can this person approve donation for me?

  378. I have a table of latitude and longitude coordinates that I’d like to add to my map. When I try to display them using Display XY, nothing shows up on my map. What am I doing wrong?

  379. I have a whole series of maps that I am making that all need different titles. Can I do this automatically?

  380. I have an advance directive that includes organ donation. Do I need to register in Missouri's Organ and Tissue Donor Registry?

  381. I have been doing private duty work, will this count toward keeping my CNA certificate active?

  382. I have joined my table to a county layer. I have many values in my table I want to show, all based on county boundaries. How is the best way to do this?

  383. I have quantitative (numeric) data, and I want to use the same classification breaks for a whole series of maps. Can I copy the symbology from one layer to the next?

  384. I may need an organ transplant. How do I get my name on the list?

  385. I need a soil test report. Who do I contact to do a soil test?

  386. I need to an insert on my map to zoom in to an area that is too hard to see otherwise. How can I do this?

  387. I need to connect to a Query that I created in Access. When I open the MDB file using Add Data, I can only see the tables in Access, but not the Queries. How can I connect to the Queries?

  388. I need to create a PDF of my map. How can I do this?

  389. I need to generate statistics from the numeric values in my table. Can I do this in ArcMap?

  390. I need to get a frequency (count) of how many times a value appears in my table. Can I do this in ArcMap?

  391. I only want my labels to turn on when I am zoomed in. Where can I set this?

  392. I own a lodging establishment and was told I need to get a statement of ‘No Tax Due’ before I can get my lodging license. Why do I need a ‘No Tax Due’ statement, what is it and how do I get one?

  393. I passed my CMT exam, may I pass medications in a facility?

  394. I received a letter of approval to challenge the CNA examination but have lost it, where may I get a copy?

  395. I run a grocery store and a local processor wants me to sell their processed foods; such as: honey, jams, jellies, breads, etc. Can I sell these items?

  396. I took my CNA, CMT, or Insulin exam several months ago, but I have never received my certificate.

  397. I took the CNA exam several months ago, but I'm not on the CNA registry. What do I do?

  398. I took the written or practicum CNA exam and failed. May I retake the CNA exam?

  399. I want to be able to move the labels myself. How can I do this?

  400. I want to open a food establishment, how do I get started?

  401. I want to sell raw meat at a farmer's market. Are there any special requirements?

  402. I want to take a Certified Medication Technician (CMT) course. What are the qualifications?

  403. I want to use different size labels within a single layer. How can I do this?

  404. I was dismissed or left my place of employment prior to completing the CNA course, do I have to start the course over?

  405. I would like my water sampled for a chemical the SPHL does not test for. Now what?

  406. I would like to become a CNA instructor/examiner, what are the qualifications?

  407. I'm thinking of buying a home with a radon mitigation system installed. What should I look for in order to make certain it is working properly?

  408. I've worked for another store that took WIC checks and I know about the WIC program. Do I still have to go to training?

  409. If a canned fruit contains added sugars, such as sweetened applesauce or mandarin oranges in light syrup, can it still be served and count as a sweet item?

  410. If a canned fruit contains added sugars, such as sweetened applesauce or mandarin oranges in light syrup, can it still be served and count as a sweet item?

  411. If a center has kids with dietary restrictions, and the parents provide the meals, can the center still be approved as an Eat Smart Center?

  412. If a center switches from pancakes with syrup to pancakes with thawed frozen fruit, is it no longer considered a sweet breakfast item? There is no sugar added, just the fruit.

  413. If a cereal contains more than 6 grams of sugar at the Advanced level, or 9 grams of sugar at the Intermediate level, can it still be served and count as a sweet item?

  414. If a cereal contains more than 6 grams of sugar at the Advanced level, or 9 grams of sugar at the Intermediate level, can it still be served and count as a sweet item?

  415. If a CNA student has finished all theory classes and on-the-job training but gets fired or leaves employment before the test date are they entitled to a copy of their Appendix A-B?

  416. If a facility is not required to report to DHSS can it still use the NHSN? 5/20/2005

  417. If a facility is using the NHSN system, can the facility do the actual reporting via MHIRS? 5/20/2005

  418. If a GCW application is denied, can I reapply?

  419. If a grain-based snack chip is a whole grain, will it still count as a sweet item/grain-based snack chip?

  420. If a grain-based snack chip is a whole grain, will it still count as a sweet item/grain-based snack chip?

  421. If a patient has an infection at the donor site for a CBGB procedure, is it reported in MHIRS? 6/9/2006

  422. If a patient in an ICU has a temporary (Quinton) or tunneled (ASHE) hemodialysis catheter, is that device counted as a central line in the central line-days? 5/20/2005

  423. If a patient is admitted to the ICU with a central line in place, is it counted in the central line-days? 5/20/2005

  424. If a patient's chest is left open after a CABG, should they be captured in the denominator even though they would not be counted in the numerator if they developed an infection? 1/19/2006

  425. If a regular muffin were switched to a whole grain muffin, would it still be considered a sweet item?

  426. If a regular muffin were switched to a whole grain muffin, would it still be considered a sweet item?

  427. If a student fails the CNA examination may that student be retested the same day?

  428. If a substitution was made on the cycle menu, do the menu worksheets list the food on the cycle menu or the substitution?

  429. If all 50 states participate in the BRFSS, does that mean that the same questions are asked in every state?

  430. If another surgery is performed during an abdominal hysterectomy (e.g., BSO, appendectomy, adhesion removal, etc.), how is the duration of the hysterectomy calculated? 11/2/2005

  431. If facilities choose not to use the CDC system, will they still have to provide patient identifiers?

  432. If I am a registered donor and I also have an Out-of-Hospital Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) Order, how will emergency medical staff handle the situation?

  433. If I am a renovation contractor what responsibilities do I have related to lead?

  434. If I am having instrument problems, whom do I contact?

  435. If I am licensed as a lead abatement supervisor, do I have to be licensed as a lead abatement worker as well?

  436. If I am licensed as a risk assessor, do I have to be licensed as a lead inspector to conduct lead inspections?

  437. If I am traveling in another state and something happens to me, is my registration valid?

  438. If I buy a home and move it onto a property with an existing system, can I use the existing system?

  439. If I decide to change locations - may I use my current license for that location?

  440. If I get notified that my baby needs to have the screening repeated does it mean that my baby has one of these conditions?

  441. If I have a technical question regarding an inspection site, whom do I contact?

  442. If I have been removed from the State Employee Disqualification Listing (EDL), why can't I work in a nursing home?

  443. If I have information on my record, will it restrict me from working?

  444. If I have other questions regarding contract or payment, whom do I contact?

  445. If I leave the state, how will I find a WIC clinic?

  446. If I submitted an application and my floor plan was not approved for a license, may I submit a new floor plan for a different location, without submitting another application?

  447. If I would like to donate a kidney to someone I know who is in need, how can I be tested to see if I am a match?

  448. If my license has been expired for 1 year, do I need to repeat the entire program?

  449. If my license has been expired for one year, do I need to repeat the entire program?

  450. If nutritional information is needed for my product(s) where can I get that analysis done?

  451. If someone wants to verify that this is a valid survey, whom should they contact?

  452. If syrup or jelly is served, is it required that they are "lite" or "no added sugar" products?

  453. If the food package has the whole grain stamp on it, does it automatically count as a whole grain food?

  454. If the menu has an orange smoothie that contains both fruit juice and whole fruit, will it count as having a fresh, frozen, or dried fruit? And will it also count as serving juice at a meal?

  455. If the menu has an orange smoothie that contains both fruit juice and whole fruit, will it count as having a fresh, frozen, or dried fruit? And will it also count as serving juice at a meal?

  456. If the patient is discharged with a central line in place and returns two to four weeks after discharge with a central line infection, should this infection be counted as a healthcare-associated infection? 9/28/2005

  457. If the product is marketed outside of Missouri, do the labeling requirements change as opposed to only selling in Missouri?

  458. If two separate procedures are done through two incisions (e.g., a breast augmentation and an abdominal liposuction), how is the duration of the breast surgery calculated? 3/5/2008

  459. If you are experiencing flu-like symptoms:

  460. In regards to the lunch guideline, what other food items are considered a highly processed meat, poultry and fish?

  461. In regards to the sweet item/croissant/grain-based snack chip guideline at snack, does the guideline address each of these items separately, or is it addressed as a whole?

  462. Is "surgeon name" a required data item?

  463. Is BRFSS data available to researchers?

  464. Is Certificate of Need required to open a long-term care facility?

  465. Is it a HIPAA violation for a hospital to report?

  466. Is it legal for me to buy wild mushrooms at a farmer’s market?

  467. Is it legal for my home's aerator system to discharge to a road ditch?

  468. Is it okay for canned fruit to be packed in light syrup?

  469. Is it possible for me to challenge or take the Missouri CNA examination without taking the class?

  470. Is it really important that I answer these questions?

  471. Is it really important that I answer these questions?

  472. Is it required for me to have twelve (12) hours of in-service each year in order to keep my CNA license active?

  473. Is it safe to attend fairs where pigs are present?

  474. Is it safe to eat pork?

  475. Is my call or text message confidential?

  476. Is Newborn Screening required in Missouri?

  477. Is TEL-LINK free and can I call or text from anywhere in Missouri?

  478. Is the height, weight, and hemoglobin required on the Medical Documentation Form (WIC-27)?

  479. Is the Registry used for whole body donation?

  480. Is there a "grace period" after my license expires?

  481. Is there a Cottage Food Rule for Missouri?

  482. Is there a fee for a license?

  483. Is there more than one type of state installer registration?

  484. Is there support for donor families?

  485. Is turkey bacon and turkey sausage okay to serve at breakfast?

  486. Is WIC allowed to provide low-fat milk to a child who is between 12-23 months of age, if medical documentation is provided?

  487. Jell-o with fruit would still be considered a sweet item, right?

  488. May I be hired by a facility as a nurse assistant without being certified on the Missouri register?

  489. May I begin providing ADC services to participants before I am licensed by DHSS?

  490. May I later change my mind and withdraw my refusal to make a gift?

  491. May I later withdraw or revoke my consent to be listed on the Organ and Tissue Donor Registry?

  492. My baby didn't pass his hearing screening. What can I do?

  493. My certificate has the wrong social security number on it, how do I get it corrected?

  494. My client has a Category 4 diagnostic mammogram. Should I generate a referral for temporary BCCT?

  495. My client reports a high deductible health care insurance, cannot afford her deductible, and is otherwise SMHW eligible. How do I bill SMHW for services?

  496. My inspector tells me I need an illness policy where do I find one?

  497. My laboratory report says bacteria is present in my sample. Now what do I do?

  498. My last name has changed. How do I get a new certificate with my current name on it?

  499. My local grocery store is selling outdated food items. Is that allowed?

  500. My MXD file is corrupted and won’t open anymore. Can it be fixed?

  501. My name and address have changed. How do I update this?

  502. Once I am approved, how are Department staff and clients notified that I am a new Provider?

  503. Once I do have all of the Provider numbers, how long does it take to get clients?

  504. Once I get my child care license, what changes impact my license?

  505. Once I submit my proposal, how long before I can begin serving clients?

  506. Our civic organization wants to host a wild game dinner, is this possible?

  507. Our facility is both a hospital and an ambulatory surgical center. Do I report the hospital and ambulatory surgical center numbers together or separately?

  508. Our facility spent our contract dollars for the current grant year. We still have claims to bill. What should we do?

  509. Our hospital has a medical/surgical ICU that is activated on an as-need basis only. Do we have to report?

  510. Our hospital has two medical ICUs. How do we report the data when we register for an exemption and when we report to MHIRS? (This would also apply if there were two surgical, coronary, pediatric, medical/surgical, or NICUs.)? 10/3/2005

  511. Should a patient that has an infection in the hip joint at the time of their replacement or revision be included in the denominator and would they be counted as an SSI ff they developed a post-op infection? 1/19/2006

  512. Should each batch of product be tested for pH and water activity?

  513. Six months ago, a client had a Category 3/Probably benign diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound. The clinician ordered a 6 month diagnostic mammogram rescreen. Which form type would a 6 month follow-up/rescreen be entered?

  514. Some of the questions do not seem related to health care—why are they asked?

  515. Some of the questions do not seem related to health care—why are they asked?

  516. Some of the small hospitals have very few ventilated patients. When using the permutation table, there may be several weeks when there isn’t a patient on the ventilator in the ICU on the specified day for HOB observations. Should the hospital still adhere to the day listed in the table, or, should they record their observations when they have a ventilated patient in the ICU regardless of the day of the week?

  517. Sometimes the data tables I’m using work just fine when I join to shape files and other times some or all of my columns just have <null> in them. What is causing this and how can I fix it?

  518. Sometimes when I open a project created by someone else, I get an error indicating the printer cannot be found and that a Default Printer will be used instead. What is causing this?

  519. The application says to include handbook/policy changes... is the whole handbook needed or just pages that apply to nutrition?

  520. The center does not use cycle menus; the cook plans out the meals, etc. for the month, but it varies month to month depending on what produce she can get, etc. She does provide a lot of variety. Is this okay, even though it is not exactly a cycle menu?

  521. The facility where I work lost their ability to offer CNA, but there was a class in progress at the time. What happens to the students?

  522. The following two questions/situations relate to an ICU patient undergoing dialysis: 6/8/2005

  523. The register says my CNA license is inactive, how do I get it back to active status?

  524. The registry says I'm an inactive CNA, but I've been working.

  525. These data are from adults. Do we have similar data for youth?

  526. We are thinking of selling our house and buying another. Where can we get some guidance on what to do about potential radon problems at either location?

  527. We have a burn unit that has two ICU beds. Are there a certain number of ventilator days an ICU should have before they are included in the HOB elevation reporting?

  528. What about exception requests?

  529. What about monitoring the program?

  530. What about record keeping?

  531. What affects the timeframe for decisions on GCW applications?

  532. What are "sickle cell conditions"?

  533. What are "Train the Trainer" classes and where do I go for them?

  534. What are a sponsor's administrative responsibilities?

  535. What are antibiotics?

  536. What are contraindications to HOB elevation to 30º or greater?

  537. What are drinking water standards?

  538. What are relative path names, and when would I use them?

  539. What are some artificial sweeteners to look for in the ingredient list?

  540. What are some common products that contain artificial sweeteners?

  541. What are some examples of grain-based chips? Would this include wheat thins and Cheez-its?

  542. What are the advantages and disadvantages to having a mitigation system installed?

  543. What are the chances of having a baby with sickle cell disease?

  544. What are the chances of having a baby with sickle cell trait?

  545. What are the changes in CEU requirements for renewal?

  546. What are the common characteristics seen among infants and children whose mothers used alcohol, tobacco or other drugs while pregnant?

  547. What are the educational requirements for a licensed group home or child care center director?

  548. What are the eligibility requirements to receive donated drugs?

  549. What are the eligibility requirements to receive donated drugs?

  550. What are the main types of groundwater wells?

  551. What are the major sources of recreational/hobby exposure to lead?

  552. What are the major sources of work-related lead exposures?

  553. What are the meal reimbursement rates for 2025?

  554. What are the most common sources of lead poisoning?

  555. What are the most common violations by registrants?

  556. What are the qualifications to get into a CNA class?

  557. What are the ratios for group home and child care centers?

  558. What are the reporting criteria for facilities?

  559. What are the requirements for a mobile food unit?

  560. What are the requirements for bottling drinks (i.e. lemonade, water and soda) in Missouri?

  561. What are the requirements for opening up a long-term care facility?

  562. What are the requirements to participate as a repository?

  563. What are the requirements to participate as a repository?

  564. What are the risks from radon gas?

  565. What are the study limitations?

  566. What are the symptoms of H3N2v?

  567. What are tissue transplants?

  568. What associations are involved in adult day care programs?

  569. What authority do I have with or without a registration?

  570. What can cause my registration to terminate?

  571. What can I use to teach the young people in my community about the effects of alcohol and drugs on infants?

  572. What can you do to avoid contracting H3N2v?

  573. What causes a hearing loss?

  574. What conditions are currently included in Missouri’s Newborn Blood Spot Screening?

  575. What do I do if I sell the business, move the store to another location, or change the name of the store?

  576. What do I do if I want to make pet foods in Missouri?

  577. What do I do to report a complaint about a Missouri hotel, motel or other lodging establishment?

  578. What do I do when I find high radon levels in my home?

  579. What do I need to bring to the WIC local agency when applying for services?

  580. What do I need to do if I wish to change the level of care my facility provides?

  581. What do I need to do if I wish to close my facility?

  582. What do I need to include in my application for a contractor license?

  583. What do I need to include in my application for individual licensure?

  584. What do I need to know about filling out the inspection form?

  585. What do I need to send in to you so that I can renew my Type 2 permit?

  586. What do I need to send in to you so that I can renew my Type 3 permit?

  587. What do I need to submit to the state agency in addition to my application?

  588. What do I need to submit to you if I want to conduct a Type 3 class?

  589. What do I send in with my new Type 3 permit applications?

  590. What do you do if the patient’s bed is “down” for a valid reason during the observation (e.g., turning patient, patient is having an abdominal x-ray or a procedure that requires a supine position)?

  591. What do you mean by core hours?

  592. What does "registered" mean?

  593. What does a process authority do?

  594. What does DHSS offer for adult sickle cell patients 21 years of age and older?

  595. What does it cost to become licensed to conduct lead-bearing substance activities?

  596. What does it mean that an operator should follow the strictest standards among federal, state, and local guidelines and regulations?

  597. What does staff need to do at meal times in regards to putting food on their plates when serving foods family style?

  598. What does this web site contain?

  599. What else can I do to reduce the risk of antibiotic resistance?

  600. What entity governs lead-based paint activities in the State of Missouri?

  601. What food can I get from WIC?

  602. What food does WIC provide?

  603. What foods need to be date marked and why?

  604. What form do I use to change establishment ownership/name information?

  605. What form type is used to enter a diagnostic mammogram following an abnormal Clinical Breast Exam (CBE) or abnormal screening mammogram?

  606. What happens if my child gets sick while they are at the licensed facility?

  607. What happens if my provider breaks a rule?

  608. What happens if the class I want to apply for is closed for recruitment?

  609. What happens to my decision to make an anatomical gift if I lose my instruction permit or driver/nondriver license?

  610. What happens to my donated organs and tissue?

  611. What happens when a WIC participant is prescribed a formula or WIC-eligible nutritionals not allowed by WIC, or an amount that exceeds the maximum quantities WIC may provide?

  612. What happens when I enroll in Missouri's Organ and Tissue Donor Registry?

  613. What has to be reported?

  614. What if a CABG patient returns to the operating room for bleeding greater than 24 hours after the initial surgery and subsequently develops an infection. Is the infection related to the CABG or is it related to the re-exploration for bleeding? 3/5/2008

  615. What if an incomplete application is submitted?

  616. What if I am interested in BRFSS for my county?

  617. What if I do not want my remains returned to family members or an estate?

  618. What if I don't have a Social Security number or card?

  619. What if I don't have insurance for my baby?

  620. What if I don't have insurance for prenatal care?

  621. What if I have a current permit for one BA instrument and now need training on another, in addition to the current BA instrument?

  622. What if I want to ask more questions about PRAMS?

  623. What if I want to ask more questions about PRAMS?

  624. What if I’m not a Missouri resident?

  625. What if my family is against my donation?

  626. What if my insurance does not cover my baby's shots?

  627. What if my Type 3 permit has expired?

  628. What if someone else has the same name that I have? How will you tell us apart?

  629. What if the agency receives a Medical Documentation Form (WIC-27) from the health care provider and some clarifications are needed before issuing the food benefits?

  630. What if the physician did not complete section C for the “WIC Supplemental Food” on the Medical Documentation Form (WIC-27)?

  631. What if there are no refresher courses in my area?

  632. What if there are no refresher courses in my area?

  633. What if: a patient had a central line inserted in the ICU; 6 days later the patient has a positive blood culture; and the patient meets the definition for laboratory confirmed bloodstream infection (LCBI). Would this patient be counted as a CLAB infection? 5/20/2005

  634. What information is available about the number and types of onsite wastewater treatment systems (OWTS) permitted in Missouri?

  635. What information is required on labels?

  636. What information is taken into consideration during the review of the GCW application?

  637. What inspection requirements do licensed and license-exempt facilities have?

  638. What is a "complete" application?

  639. What is a "Special Process"?

  640. What is a better process control school?

  641. What is a blood test for lead?

  642. What is a corneal transplant?

  643. What is a CPA?

  644. What is a Designated Manager?

  645. What is a direct donation?

  646. What is a Family Partner for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing (DHH)?

  647. What is a food manufacturing/processing facility?

  648. What is a full service grocery store?

  649. What is a Good Cause Waiver (GCW)?

  650. What is a HPA?

  651. What is a layer file and how does it differ from a shape file, coverage or geodatabase?

  652. What is a living related kidney donor?

  653. What is a living unrelated kidney donor?

  654. What is a LWP?

  655. What is a newborn blood spot screening?

  656. What is a Nutrition Coordinator?

  657. What is a ratio?

  658. What is a scheduled process?

  659. What is a spatial bookmark?

  660. What is a sponsor?

  661. What is a WIC Certifier?

  662. What is a WIC Clerical?

  663. What is a WIC Coordinator?

  664. What is a WIC Retailer Agreement?

  665. What is a WIC retailer?

  666. What is a WIC vendor?

  667. What is a WIC vendor?

  668. What is Adjunct Income Eligibility?

  669. What is an advance directive for health care choices?

  670. What is an altruistic kidney donor?

  671. What is an on-site visit?

  672. What is an onsite sewage system or onsite wastewater treatment system (OWTS)?

  673. What is antibiotic resistance?

  674. What is brain death?

  675. What is BRFSS?

  676. What is cardiac death?

  677. What is Certificate of Need?

  678. What is considered an approved food source in child care?

  679. What is corneal blindness?

  680. What is cystic fibrosis?

  681. What is Family Partnership?

  682. What is H3N2v?

  683. What is head-of-bed (HOB) elevation and why is it being monitored and reported?

  684. What is hemoglobin?

  685. What is hemoglobinopathy?

  686. What is Hemophilia A?

  687. What is Hemophilia B?

  688. What is Hemophilia?

  689. What is home health and how do I start a home health agency?

  690. What is lead?

  691. What is MOHear?

  692. What is PRAMS?

  693. What is PRAMS?

  694. What is required on the labels of meat products?

  695. What is required to become a Type 2?

  696. What is sickle cell disease?

  697. What is sickle cell trait?

  698. What is the "acceptable" level of radon?

  699. What is the approval length for medical documentation?

  700. What is the bureau’s authority and jurisdiction?

  701. What is the capacity for family home providers?

  702. What is the chance my baby has a permanent hearing loss?

  703. What is the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)?

  704. What is the cornea?

  705. What is the cost for the CNA, CMT, LIMA or Insulin Administration courses?

  706. What is the definition of case management?

  707. What is the definition of screening mechanisms?

  708. What is the difference between a sell by and use by date?

  709. What is the difference between an assurance and a policy?

  710. What is the difference between licensure and certification?

  711. What is the difference between my CNA certificate being inactive and expired?

  712. What is the Family Care Safety Registry?

  713. What is the fee to contract to provide HCBS?

  714. What is the FIC?

  715. What is the inspection timeline covered in the participation agreement.

  716. What is the minimum lot size required for an onsite sewage system?

  717. What is the MOWINS system?

  718. What is the occupancy rate for facilities licensed by the Section for Long Term Care?

  719. What is the penalty for misusing information obtained from the Family Care Safety Registry?

  720. What is the penalty for not registering?

  721. What is the poultry exemption?

  722. What is the process for new construction or renovations?

  723. What is the punishment for pregnant women who use drugs?

  724. What is the requirement for a nurse in an ADC program?

  725. What is the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP)?

  726. What is the summer food service program?

  727. What is the TCD System?

  728. What is the WOM?

  729. What is Von Willebrand's disease?

  730. What is WIC?

  731. What kind of permits does a manufacturer need to make chutneys and pickles, etc?

  732. What kind of permits does a manufacturer need to make jams, jellies, fruit butters, etc?

  733. What kinds of infections are caused by viruses and should not be treated with antibiotics?

  734. What kinds of infections are caused by viruses and should not be treated with antibiotics?

  735. What kinds of infections are caused by viruses and should not be treated with antibiotics?

  736. What kinds of questions are on the BRFSS?

  737. What kinds of questions were on the 2011 CLS?

  738. What makes a participant eligible for WIC?

  739. What medical conditions prohibit donation?

  740. What medical problems are caused by sickle cell disease?

  741. What medicines can (and cannot) be donated to the program?

  742. What medicines can (and cannot) be donated to the program?

  743. What must be served for meals to qualify?

  744. What paperwork do I send in for my monthly maintenance report?

  745. What procedure do I follow for using an X-ray fluorescence analyzer to test for the presence of lead in paint, or for performing a lead inspection of a residential dwelling, child occupied facility?

  746. What qualifying conditions are allowed by WIC to issue exempt formulas and WIC-eligible nutritionals?

  747. What qualifying conditions are not allowed by WIC when requesting exempt formulas and WIC-eligible nutritionals?

  748. What services are available for pregnant women who use drugs?

  749. What services are available for pregnant women who use drugs?

  750. What services are available for pregnant women who use drugs?

  751. What services are available in Missouri for persons with sickle cell conditions?

  752. What services does DHSS offer?

  753. What services does DHSS provide?

  754. What should be done if a device-day is not counted? 5/20/2005

  755. What should be done if the device-day count sheet is lost or if the person who is designated to count does not complete it for a month? 5/20/2005

  756. What should future parents know?

  757. What should I do if I suspect child abuse or neglect (CA/N)?

  758. What should I do with my (my family member's) unused medicines, if I cannot donate them?

  759. What should I do with my (my family member's) unused medicines, if I cannot donate them?

  760. What should I do with sewage tank on my property that is no longer in use?

  761. What should I have tested?

  762. What systems and components are considered basic and advanced?

  763. What type of training do I need on a yearly basis?

  764. What types of disciplinary action can be taken?

  765. What types of discipline do violations bring?

  766. What types of facilities can receive CACFP funds?

  767. What types of facilities/businesses can accept donated drugs?

  768. What types of facilities/businesses can accept donated drugs?

  769. What types of food are authorized on WIC?

  770. What types of long-term care facilities are licensed in Missouri?

  771. What types of organizations can sponsor the program?

  772. What types of sites are approved for operation?

  773. What version of the food code does the state use?

  774. What visit type should be selected on the MOHSAIC Screening (Blue) form for a client who presents for her annual well woman exam for the first time at your clinic?

  775. What will be needed at renewal time?

  776. What will the symbol on my license look like?

  777. When are antibiotics not needed?

  778. When are construction plans required?

  779. When are organs recovered?

  780. When do I check the Summer Food Service Web site?

  781. When do I take retailer training?

  782. When do I take the state exam for licensure?

  783. When do I use Intervention MICA?

  784. When does my CNA license expire?

  785. When does my license expire?

  786. When I complete my application packet, may I fax it to the WIC state agency?

  787. When I receive my fully executed contract from the Department, can I begin serving clients?

  788. When is a follow-up inspection necessary?

  789. When is a licensed lead abatement contractor required for construction work in residential, child day care facilities, or schools?

  790. When is a scheduled process required?

  791. When is it OK for me to take antibiotics?

  792. When is medical documentation required?

  793. When is rescreening needed?

  794. When must a lead abatement supervisor be present at the lead abatement work site?

  795. When must organs be recovered?

  796. When opening a new facility, when will an inspection be conducted?

  797. When shall the sites be inspected?

  798. When should I contact CFNA?

  799. When should I go to the doctor or clinic?

  800. When should I have my well tested?

  801. When will changes in the onsite professional rules be effective?

  802. When will DHSS publish reports and how many months of data will be included in the report? 3/5/08

  803. Where are plans submitted?

  804. Where are WIC approved exempt formulas or WIC-eligible nutritionals obtained to meet participant needs?

  805. Where are you located?

  806. Where can Health Care Providers and families go for evaluation, diagnosis and services for children suspected of having an alcohol related condition?

  807. Where can Health Care Providers and families go for evaluation, diagnosis and services for children suspected of having an alcohol related condition?

  808. Where can Health Care Providers and families go for information, diagnosis and services for children suspected of having an alcohol related condition?

  809. Where can I attend accredited lead training?

  810. Where can I be tested for sickle cell trait?

  811. Where can I find a Better Process Control School certification training schedule and location?

  812. Where can I find a list of basic and advanced installers?

  813. Where can I find data for my maps?

  814. Where can I find the necessary application forms used for licensure for a long-term care facility?

  815. Where can I get a pregnancy test?

  816. Where can I get more information about services available in Missouri?

  817. Where can I obtain a directory of certified facilities?

  818. Where can I obtain a directory of nursing homes?

  819. Where can I obtain additional cystic fibrosis resource information?

  820. Where can I obtain copies of EPA's publications about radon?

  821. Where can I obtain local data on tobacco use?

  822. Where can I obtain local data on youth risk behaviors?

  823. Where can I obtain services for cystic fibrosis in Missouri?

  824. Where can I obtain services for Hemophilia in Missouri?

  825. Where can I take the CNA exam?

  826. Where can individuals find more information on the effects of using alcohol, tobacco and other drugs during pregnancy?

  827. Where can individuals find more information on the effects of using alcohol, tobacco and other drugs during pregnancy?

  828. Where can individuals go for information and assistance in quitting smoking?

  829. Where can individuals go for information and assistance in quitting smoking?

  830. Where can information be found which outlines the differences between the types of long-term care facilities?

  831. Where can information regarding Certificate of Need be obtained?

  832. Where can information related to the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) be found? 7/1/2009

  833. Where can pregnant and pre-conceptional women go for information on the effects of using alcohol, tobacco and other drugs during pregnancy?

  834. Where can the state laws and regulations for licensing long-term care facilities be found on the Department of Health and Senior Services web site?

  835. Where can women go for information and assistance in quitting smoking?

  836. Where do I find out more information on the Adult Day Care Food program?

  837. Where do I get AIR forms and the evidence tickets?

  838. Where do I send the completed inspection report?

  839. Where do the data come from?

  840. Where does Radon come from?

  841. Where does your hemoglobin come from?

  842. Where may I get a copy of my CNA, CMT, LIMA or Insulin Administration certificate?

  843. Which agency is responsible for inspecting and licensing long-term care facilities?

  844. Which meals can be served?

  845. Which should be reported, age-adjusted or weighted prevalences?

  846. Who can be a donor?

  847. Who can be authorized to be a retailer?

  848. Who can complete a Medical Documentation Form (WIC-27)?

  849. Who can document a contraindication? Does it have to be a physician or can a nurse document the contraindication in the nursing notes?

  850. Who can donate drugs to the program?

  851. Who can donate drugs to the program?

  852. Who can pass medications in an ADC?

  853. Who can receive background information from the Family Care Safety Registry?

  854. Who can test my private well water?

  855. Who developed the system?

  856. Who do I call if I have additional questions?

  857. Who do I contact for more information?

  858. Who do I contact if I want to sell my dry mixes to a grocery store or other retail facility?

  859. Who has authority to inspect my controlled substances and records?

  860. Who is at risk for lead poisoning?

  861. Who is eligible to sign up on the Registry?

  862. Who is in charge of the organ donation process?

  863. Who is not eligible or not applicable to apply for a Good Cause Waiver?

  864. Who is required to register with the Family Care Safety Registry?

  865. Who is required to report MRSA and VRE?

  866. Who is required to submit a lead-abatement project notification?

  867. Who is responsible for maintenance of my onsite system?

  868. Who makes the observations?

  869. Who manages the Registry?

  870. Who must obtain a lead license?

  871. Who needs a controlled substances registration?

  872. Who needs to be licensed as a lead abatement contractor?

  873. Who needs to be notified and what are required if there is a change of administrator in a facility? What about a change in the Director of Nursing?

  874. Who paid for this study? Were state dollars used?

  875. Who participated in the 2011 CLS?

  876. Who participates in BRFSS?

  877. Who qualifies as a "Process Authority"?

  878. Who qualifies for WIC and how do you qualify for WIC?

  879. Who Qualifies for WIC?

  880. Who should attend the Better Process Control School?

  881. Who should I contact if I want to make artisan cheese and other dairy products?

  882. Whom does CACFP serve?

  883. Why and how are data weighted?

  884. Why are bacteria becoming resistant to antibiotics?

  885. Why are central line-associated bloodstream (CLAB) infections and surgical site infections (SSIs) reported as (half ), (empty circle ), or (full ), while head of bed (HOB) elevation data are reported numerically?

  886. Why are certain foods on WIC and other foods are not on WIC?

  887. Why are hospitals reporting head of bed (HOB) elevation rates instead of actual ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) rates?

  888. Why are there differences in what is allowed to be done in retail food establishments from one area of the state to another?

  889. Why aren't staffing and equipment requirements included in the rule?

  890. Why aren’t demographic breakdowns (age, race, income, education, health insurance status) provided for counties?

  891. Why aren’t such infections as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) or Clostridium difficle reported on this site ?

  892. Why can't I find a particular hospital or ambulatory surgery center?

  893. Why do you ask for my race and ethnicity during the sign up process?

  894. Why does Missouri need a new emergency response system?

  895. Why does Missouri need a registry?

  896. Why does my baby need regular health checkups (doctor's visits)?

  897. Why does WIC allow certain food items, but other food items are not allowed on the program?

  898. Why is breastfeeding best for my baby?

  899. Why is joining the Registry important?

  900. Why register? Isn't it enough to have a heart on my Missouri driver license or id card or carry a donor card?

  901. Why should I be concerned about antibiotic resistance?

  902. Why should I participate?

  903. Why should I participate?

  904. Why should I quit smoking while I am pregnant?

  905. Why should my baby have the screening?

  906. Why was the County-level Study (CLS) conducted?

  907. Why was this web site developed?

  908. Why were sample sizes of 400 for smaller counties and 800 for larger counties used?

  909. Why were these infections and procedures selected?

  910. Why will some stores take WIC checks for items that other stores will not?

  911. Why will some WIC authorized retailers accept WIC checks for approved food items that other WIC authorized retailers will not?

  912. Will a registrant know if their background information is disclosed?

  913. Will ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs) use the same risk factors that hospitals use for surgeries?

  914. Will an inspection of a summer food service site at a school count toward one of the two school food service inspections that schools are required to have?

  915. Will donation affect memorial or funeral arrangements?

  916. Will I have to pay to participate in WIC?

  917. Will I have to pay to participate in WIC?

  918. Will maternally-acquired infections in the NICU be counted as CLAB infections? 5/20/2005

  919. Will maternally-acquired infections in the NICU be counted as CLAB infections? 5/20/2005

  920. Will my answers be kept private?

  921. Will my answers be kept private?

  922. Will my decision to donate affect the quality of my medical care?

  923. Will SMHW reimburse for breast diagnostics for the first occurrence of breast pain/tenderness?

  924. Will the Missouri Lead Licensing program approve a license through reciprocity?

  925. Will the physician's name be part of the information reported to MHIRS? 6/1/2005

  926. Will the program be reviewed?

  927. Will the program forward a renewal application to me before my license expires?

  928. Will WIC give me all of the food my baby and I need?

  929. Will WIC provide all of the food my baby and I need?

  930. Would oatmeal (or other low sugar, whole grain cereal) be listed as both a cereal (guideline B1) and as a whole grain (guideline B3)?

  931. Would oatmeal (or other low sugar, whole grain cereal) be listed as both a cereal (guideline B1) and as a whole grain (guideline B3)?

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