How are the screening results reported and who are they reported to?
Final newborn blood spot screening results are available to submitters and health care providers approximately one week after the specimen is received by the MSPHL. The submitter is the hospital where the baby was born or the midwife who delivered the baby. The health care provider is the individual listed on the newborn blood spot collection form.
If your baby has a
high risk result, the MSPHL calls and faxes a copy of the high risk result
immediately to your baby’s healthcare provider. This is typically done within one to two days
after the MSPHL receives the newborn screening sample.
It is very important that the newborn blood spot collection form is filled out
accurately. This includes the health care
provider’s name and contact information, as well as, the parent's correct name
and contact information in case a repeat newborn screen or other intervention
is needed. If you don't have a
telephone, please leave the phone number of a neighbor or relative on the blood
spot collection form.
You can also help by notifying your baby's health care provider if you move after the baby is born. Then if your baby should need to be retested, your baby's health care provider will know where to reach you. Remember, time is very important. If your baby's health care provider is someone other than the physician listed on the collection form, then your current provider will not have a copy of the baby's newborn screening result. It is important that parents tell those who are collecting the blood spot screening, who their baby’s health care provider is going to be.