Sickle Cell Anemia
What is hemoglobin?
Where does your hemoglobin come from?
What is hemoglobinopathy?
What is sickle cell trait?
How will I know if I have sickle cell trait?
Where can I be tested for sickle cell trait?
What is sickle cell disease?
What are "sickle cell conditions"?
How do you get sickle cell anemia or trait?
How common is sickle cell anemia?
How is sickle cell anemia detected?
How is the testing done?
What are the chances of having a baby with sickle cell trait?
What are the chances of having a baby with sickle cell disease?
What medical problems are caused by sickle cell disease?
What should future parents know?
What services are available in Missouri for persons with sickle cell conditions?
Where can I get more information about services available in Missouri?
What does DHSS offer for adult sickle cell patients 21 years of age and older?