Onsite Wastewater Treatment
What is an onsite sewage system or onsite wastewater treatment system (OWTS)?
What is the minimum lot size required for an onsite sewage system?
I need a soil test report. Who do I contact to do a soil test?
Can I, as a homeowner, install my own onsite sewage system?
Who is responsible for maintenance of my onsite system?
Is it legal for my home's aerator system to discharge to a road ditch?
If I buy a home and move it onto a property with an existing system, can I use the existing system?
Does the state law require an inspection or evaluation of my onsite sewage system before I sell my home?
Where can I find a list of basic and advanced installers?
What systems and components are considered basic and advanced?
How does a homeowner know what type of onsite system is needed?
Do I need a permit to install an onsite system?
How much does a construction permit cost?
What should I do with sewage tank on my property that is no longer in use?