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What if I don't have a Social Security number or card?

The FCSR is required by 210.906, RSMo, to request the valid Social Security number of the person registering. Per regulation 19 CSR 30-80.030, the application for registration must include the valid Social Security number. The FCSR will accept the following for Social Security number verification:
  • Copy of Social Security card
  • Copy of driver’s license, ONLY if Social Security number is listed on the license
  • U.S. military ID card with Social Security number listed on the card
If the facility where you will be employed or placed does not have an alternative requirement for background check, such as checking criminal history through the Missouri State Highway Patrol’s system, you will need to obtain a Social Security number to register with the FCSR. 

Apply for a new Social Security card or a request a new copy here:

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