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What are antibiotics?
What is antibiotic resistance?
What kinds of infections are caused by viruses and should not be treated with antibiotics?
What kinds of infections are caused by viruses and should not be treated with antibiotics?
What kinds of infections are caused by viruses and should not be treated with antibiotics?
What is BRFSS?
How are BRFSS data collected?
Who participates in BRFSS?
What kinds of questions are on the BRFSS?
If someone wants to verify that this is a valid survey, whom should they contact?
Who needs a controlled substances registration?
What authority do I have with or without a registration?
How many registrations do I need?
How do I get a Missouri Controlled Substances Registration?
How long does it take to get a registration?
I want to take a Certified Medication Technician (CMT) course. What are the qualifications?
I passed my CMT exam, may I pass medications in a facility?
I am a medication technician in another state. How do I transfer my certification to Missouri?
I challenged the Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA) exam and failed. What do I do?
I took the written or practicum CNA exam and failed. May I retake the CNA exam?
The facility where I work lost their ability to offer CNA, but there was a class in progress at the time. What happens to the students?
I took the CNA exam several months ago, but I'm not on the CNA registry. What do I do?
I completed my CNA course but didn't take the exam. May I do that now?
What is the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)?
What types of facilities can receive CACFP funds?
Whom does CACFP serve?
Are child care licenses permanent?
Can a facility disenroll my child?
Can the provider transport my child?
How can I find child care for a child with special needs?
How do I file a complaint?
What is cystic fibrosis?
How do you get cystic fibrosis?
How common is cystic fibrosis?
How is cystic fibrosis treated?
Where can I obtain services for cystic fibrosis in Missouri?
Who can donate drugs to the program?
Can a long-term-care facility donate the unused drugs of a resident?
What medicines can (and cannot) be donated to the program?
A member of my family recently passed away. Can I donate his/her left over medications to the program?
What should I do with my (my family member's) unused medicines, if I cannot donate them?
What are some artificial sweeteners to look for in the ingredient list?
What are some common products that contain artificial sweeteners?
Can sugar be added to hot cereal, such as oatmeal or cream of wheat, if the amount of sugar added fits within the sugar limit for cereals in the Eat Smart Guidelines, without counting as a sweet item?
If a cereal contains more than 6 grams of sugar at the Advanced level, or 9 grams of sugar at the Intermediate level, can it still be served and count as a sweet item?
Would oatmeal (or other low sugar, whole grain cereal) be listed as both a cereal (guideline B1) and as a whole grain (guideline B3)?
The center does not use cycle menus; the cook plans out the meals, etc. for the month, but it varies month to month depending on what produce she can get, etc. She does provide a lot of variety. Is this okay, even though it is not exactly a cycle menu?
If a substitution was made on the cycle menu, do the menu worksheets list the food on the cycle menu or the substitution?
Do green beans and peas count toward this guideline?
Do the kids have to take at least something of every meal component for CACFP family style meal service?
What does staff need to do at meal times in regards to putting food on their plates when serving foods family style?
Are staff members allowed to drink water in between meals, while around the children?
Is it okay for canned fruit to be packed in light syrup?
Can mandarin oranges be packed in syrup and then rinse them before serving?
If a canned fruit contains added sugars, such as sweetened applesauce or mandarin oranges in light syrup, can it still be served and count as a sweet item?
If the menu has an orange smoothie that contains both fruit juice and whole fruit, will it count as having a fresh, frozen, or dried fruit? And will it also count as serving juice at a meal?
Can fresh (raw) fruits and vegetables be lightly steamed and still count towards this guideline, as in a stir-fry?
Can the center serve hotdogs at a fundraiser event they have?
If the menu has an orange smoothie that contains both fruit juice and whole fruit, will it count as having a fresh, frozen, or dried fruit? And will it also count as serving juice at a meal?
How much meat/meat alternate needs to be served at breakfast to meet the guideline?
Is turkey bacon and turkey sausage okay to serve at breakfast?
In regards to the lunch guideline, what other food items are considered a highly processed meat, poultry and fish?
Does cream cheese count as a meat/meat alternate?
Does this include foods purchased at the store?
If a center has kids with dietary restrictions, and the parents provide the meals, can the center still be approved as an Eat Smart Center?
The application says to include handbook/policy changes... is the whole handbook needed or just pages that apply to nutrition?
If a cereal contains more than 6 grams of sugar at the Advanced level, or 9 grams of sugar at the Intermediate level, can it still be served and count as a sweet item?
Can sugar be added to hot cereal, such as oatmeal or cream of wheat, if the amount of sugar added fits within the sugar limit for cereals in the Eat Smart Guidelines, without counting as a sweet item?
If a canned fruit contains added sugars, such as sweetened applesauce or mandarin oranges in light syrup, can it still be served and count as a sweet item?
If syrup or jelly is served, is it required that they are "lite" or "no added sugar" products?
Do French toast sticks count as a sweet breakfast item?
If the food package has the whole grain stamp on it, does it automatically count as a whole grain food?
Would oatmeal (or other low sugar, whole grain cereal) be listed as both a cereal (guideline B1) and as a whole grain (guideline B3)?
If a regular muffin were switched to a whole grain muffin, would it still be considered a sweet item?
How many oats or other whole grain would the cook need to add to a baking mix for it to be considered a whole grain item?
If a grain-based snack chip is a whole grain, will it still count as a sweet item/grain-based snack chip?
How many CEU's do I need to relicense in Missouri?
What do you mean by core hours?
Am I required to be Nationally Registered to work in Missouri?
If my license has been expired for one year, do I need to repeat the entire program?
What if there are no refresher courses in my area?
How many CEU's do I need to relicense in Missouri?
Am I required to be Nationally Registered to work in Missouri?
Can I work in Missouri with just a National Registry Card?
Can I work in Missouri with just a National Registry Card?
If my license has been expired for 1 year, do I need to repeat the entire program?
How do I apply for a job in the Department of Health and Senior Services?
Do all Merit jobs require tests?
How long will my name stay on the register?
How do I update my Merit application?
What happens if the class I want to apply for is closed for recruitment?
What is the Family Care Safety Registry?
Who is required to register with the Family Care Safety Registry?
What does "registered" mean?
How does a person register?
What if I don't have a Social Security number or card?
Is it legal for me to buy wild mushrooms at a farmer’s market?
Is there a Cottage Food Rule for Missouri?
How do I make a complaint about a problem at a food establishment or report getting a food-borne illness from a food establishment?
How do I get certified in Missouri to be a food handler?
How do I get a copy of the Food Code?
What is a food manufacturing/processing facility?
Who do I contact if I want to sell my dry mixes to a grocery store or other retail facility?
I run a grocery store and a local processor wants me to sell their processed foods; such as: honey, jams, jellies, breads, etc. Can I sell these items?
How do I certify my product as organic?
What are the requirements for bottling drinks (i.e. lemonade, water and soda) in Missouri?
What information is required on labels?
How are the major allergens supposed to be listed on the label?
Do I need to include nutritional information on my product?
If nutritional information is needed for my product(s) where can I get that analysis done?
If the product is marketed outside of Missouri, do the labeling requirements change as opposed to only selling in Missouri?
Do I need a food permit from the state for my restaurant?
Can I sell my honey, maple syrup and/or sorghum in a retail store?
Who should I contact if I want to make artisan cheese and other dairy products?
What kind of permits does a manufacturer need to make jams, jellies, fruit butters, etc?
What kind of permits does a manufacturer need to make chutneys and pickles, etc?
What is the summer food service program?
How long is the Participation Agreement (PA) period?
When do I check the Summer Food Service Web site?
Do other agencies operate summer feeding sites?
How will I know what sites to inspect?
I took my CNA, CMT, or Insulin exam several months ago, but I have never received my certificate.
I have a Level I Medication Aide (LIMA) certification, where may I pass medications?
I am a CMT and/or a LIMA, may I give insulin injections?
I have a Federal Marker for abuse, neglect or misappropriation of funds. When may I go back to work in a nursing home or nursing agency?
Where may I get a copy of my CNA, CMT, LIMA or Insulin Administration certificate?
I don’t know where to begin. Are there some existing maps I can use as a base for my project?
Where can I find data for my maps?
How do I get access to the GIS data library?
I don’t work in the Wildwood complex, how can I get the data updates as they become available?
I have a map that has a red exclamation (!) next to some of the layer, and the layer doesn’t draw. What is this and can I fix it?
I don’t like how my labels are placed. Some are covering up the feature they are labeling. How can I fix this?
I want to be able to move the labels myself. How can I do this?
I only want my labels to turn on when I am zoomed in. Where can I set this?
I want to use different size labels within a single layer. How can I do this?
I need to create a PDF of my map. How can I do this?
I need to an insert on my map to zoom in to an area that is too hard to see otherwise. How can I do this?
Sometimes when I open a project created by someone else, I get an error indicating the printer cannot be found and that a Default Printer will be used instead. What is causing this?
I have a whole series of maps that I am making that all need different titles. Can I do this automatically?
I don’t see any symbols in the Symbology Selector that I like. Are there more symbols that I can pick from?
What is a layer file and how does it differ from a shape file, coverage or geodatabase?
I have joined my table to a county layer. I have many values in my table I want to show, all based on county boundaries. How is the best way to do this?
I have quantitative (numeric) data, and I want to use the same classification breaks for a whole series of maps. Can I copy the symbology from one layer to the next?
How can I define my own colors?
Sometimes the data tables I’m using work just fine when I join to shape files and other times some or all of my columns just have <null> in them. What is causing this and how can I fix it?
Can I make changes to the data in the table?
I need to connect to a Query that I created in Access. When I open the MDB file using Add Data, I can only see the tables in Access, but not the Queries. How can I connect to the Queries?
I need to get a frequency (count) of how many times a value appears in my table. Can I do this in ArcMap?
I need to generate statistics from the numeric values in my table. Can I do this in ArcMap?
What is a Good Cause Waiver (GCW)?
As an employer, who do I contact to determine whether an individual who has a disqualifying finding (identified in Section 192.2495. RSMo.) reported in his or her background screening may work conditionally?
What information is taken into consideration during the review of the GCW application?
How will I be notified regarding the outcome of a GCW?
If a GCW application is denied, can I reapply?
What is H3N2v?
Is it safe to eat pork?
Is it safe to attend fairs where pigs are present?
How is the virus transmitted?
How severe is the illness?
If a patient in an ICU has a temporary (Quinton) or tunneled (ASHE) hemodialysis catheter, is that device counted as a central line in the central line-days? 5/20/2005
Do central lines include the following: implantable-ports, non-tunneled TLC, Swan Ganz catheter, tunneled-Broviac, Groshong, Quinton, Hickman, ASHE catheter, PICC, and umbilical lines? If yes, would they be counted in central line-days for that unit? 5/20/2005
Are permanent shunts and balloon pumps considered central lines? 5/20/2005
If a patient is admitted to the ICU with a central line in place, is it counted in the central line-days? 5/20/2005
What if: a patient had a central line inserted in the ICU; 6 days later the patient has a positive blood culture; and the patient meets the definition for laboratory confirmed bloodstream infection (LCBI). Would this patient be counted as a CLAB infection? 5/20/2005
Where can information related to the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) be found? 7/1/2009
If a facility is using the NHSN system, can the facility do the actual reporting via MHIRS? 5/20/2005
If a facility is not required to report to DHSS can it still use the NHSN? 5/20/2005
Why aren't staffing and equipment requirements included in the rule?
Do any other states have standards regarding the number of infection control practitioners (ICPs) per facility or per patient load?
If another surgery is performed during an abdominal hysterectomy (e.g., BSO, appendectomy, adhesion removal, etc.), how is the duration of the hysterectomy calculated? 11/2/2005
If two separate procedures are done through two incisions (e.g., a breast augmentation and an abdominal liposuction), how is the duration of the breast surgery calculated? 3/5/2008
What if a CABG patient returns to the operating room for bleeding greater than 24 hours after the initial surgery and subsequently develops an infection. Is the infection related to the CABG or is it related to the re-exploration for bleeding? 3/5/2008
If a patient's chest is left open after a CABG, should they be captured in the denominator even though they would not be counted in the numerator if they developed an infection? 1/19/2006
Are there additional "markers" for the superficial infection definition? For example, if the physician describes the wound as red and starts antibiotics, or antibiotics are started but the physician really does not think it is an infection. 1/19/2006
Who can document a contraindication? Does it have to be a physician or can a nurse document the contraindication in the nursing notes?
As of July 1, 2009, is participation still voluntary?
Who makes the observations?
Do you have to make the actual observation or can it be done by chart review?
For small facilities with limited ventilator usage, do we do 100% review?
What is the fee to contract to provide HCBS?
Do you have a template or sample I could use to prepare my proposal?
Can I start my business in my home?
I currently have a contract to provide either IHS or CDS. Do I have to submit a proposal in order to be considered for a contract to provide the other service (either IHS or CDS)?
What is the difference between an assurance and a policy?
What is Hemophilia?
What is Hemophilia A?
How do you get Hemophilia A?
How common is Hemophilia A?
How is Hemophilia A treated?
As an instructor, how many CNA students may I have in class?
I would like to become a CNA instructor/examiner, what are the qualifications?
What are "Train the Trainer" classes and where do I go for them?
As an examiner may I refuse to retest a student that has failed the first time?
As an examiner may I refuse to test a student that is disruptive or disrespectful?
When do I use Intervention MICA?
What entity governs lead-based paint activities in the State of Missouri?
Who must obtain a lead license?
How do I apply for a lead license?
What do I need to include in my application for individual licensure?
What do I need to include in my application for a contractor license?
Can certified EPA Renovators take paint chip samples in Missouri for renovation projects?
Can I collect paint chip, soil, or dust wipe samples without being licensed as a lead inspector or risk assessor?
Do I have to be licensed as a lead inspector or risk assessor to use an XRF?
If I am licensed as a risk assessor, do I have to be licensed as a lead inspector to conduct lead inspections?
Can a lead risk assessor write lead abatement project specifications?
Do I have to be licensed by the Lead Licensing Program to conduct renovation and remodeling activities in a dwelling that contains lead-based paint?
If I am a renovation contractor what responsibilities do I have related to lead?
Do individuals/contractors involved in demolition of structures with components containing lead-bearing substances need to be licensed by the Lead Licensing Program?
Who needs to be licensed as a lead abatement contractor?
If I am licensed as a lead abatement supervisor, do I have to be licensed as a lead abatement worker as well?
What is lead?
Who is at risk for lead poisoning?
How can lead affect my child?
What are the most common sources of lead poisoning?
What are the major sources of recreational/hobby exposure to lead?
What is a LWP?
What is the WOM?
What is the MOWINS system?
What is a WIC Clerical?
What is a HPA?
Am I a lodging establishment?
Are any lodging establishments exempt?
Are there any regulations for operating a lodging establishment?
How do I get a copy of the lodging statute and/or rule?
Do I need a license to operate a lodging establishment?
What is the definition of case management?
What is the definition of screening mechanisms?
Do health fairs or special events count as screening mechanisms?
Does the member have to fill the prescription or just receive the written prescription at time of discharge? (Beta-Blocker Treatment After a Heart Attack)
Why was the County-level Study (CLS) conducted?
How and when were 2011 CLS data collected?
What kinds of questions were on the 2011 CLS?
Who participated in the 2011 CLS?
Who paid for this study? Were state dollars used?
Why were sample sizes of 400 for smaller counties and 800 for larger counties used?
Why aren’t demographic breakdowns (age, race, income, education, health insurance status) provided for counties?
Why and how are data weighted?
What are the study limitations?
Which should be reported, age-adjusted or weighted prevalences?
Why was this web site developed?
What does this web site contain?
How can this web site be useful to me?
Why were these infections and procedures selected?
How do I interpret the tables?
What is PRAMS?
Why should I participate?
Will my answers be kept private?
Is it really important that I answer these questions?
Some of the questions do not seem related to health care—why are they asked?
Who is required to report MRSA and VRE?
Do I report each case of MRSA and VRE?
What has to be reported?
How often do I report MRSA and VRE?
Our facility is both a hospital and an ambulatory surgical center. Do I report the hospital and ambulatory surgical center numbers together or separately?
How is my baby's hearing tested?
What is the chance my baby has a permanent hearing loss?
What causes a hearing loss?
My baby didn't pass his hearing screening. What can I do?
What is MOHear?
What is a newborn blood spot screening?
Why should my baby have the screening?
What conditions are currently included in Missouri’s Newborn Blood Spot Screening?
Is Newborn Screening required in Missouri?
How is the blood spot screening collected?
May I begin providing ADC services to participants before I am licensed by DHSS?
If I submitted an application and my floor plan was not approved for a license, may I submit a new floor plan for a different location, without submitting another application?
If I decide to change locations - may I use my current license for that location?
I am licensed by DHSS and DMH. Some of the requirements are different for each program. How do I know what regulation I should follow?
Are there any grants available to assist with funding for my ADC program?
What is Certificate of Need?
Is Certificate of Need required to open a long-term care facility?
Where can information regarding Certificate of Need be obtained?
What is the occupancy rate for facilities licensed by the Section for Long Term Care?
When are construction plans required?
Do construction plans need to be drawn, signed and sealed by a registered architect?
Where are plans submitted?
What is the process for new construction or renovations?
Can a single-family dwelling (house) be converted into a licensed RCF?
How can a facility be certified for participation in the Medicare and/ or Medicaid program? How do I obtain an application?
Which agency is responsible for inspecting and licensing long-term care facilities?
What types of long-term care facilities are licensed in Missouri?
How many long-term care facilities does the Section for Long-Term Care Regulation license?
Where can information be found which outlines the differences between the types of long-term care facilities?
What is the difference between licensure and certification?
What are the requirements for opening up a long-term care facility?
How many persons can I care for before I need a license to operate a long-term care facility?
When opening a new facility, when will an inspection be conducted?
Where can the state laws and regulations for licensing long-term care facilities be found on the Department of Health and Senior Services web site?
Who needs to be notified and what are required if there is a change of administrator in a facility? What about a change in the Director of Nursing?
Where can I find the necessary application forms used for licensure for a long-term care facility?
How can I obtain a regulation book?
Where can I obtain a directory of nursing homes?
Where can I obtain a directory of certified facilities?
How do I obtain the names and addresses for facilities by county?
How do I become a state registered installer?
Is there more than one type of state installer registration?
Are there requirements for maintaining my state registration?
What will be needed at renewal time?
How do CEU's benefit onsite professionals?
What is an onsite sewage system or onsite wastewater treatment system (OWTS)?
What is the minimum lot size required for an onsite sewage system?
I need a soil test report. Who do I contact to do a soil test?
Can I, as a homeowner, install my own onsite sewage system?
Who is responsible for maintenance of my onsite system?
Who is in charge of the organ donation process?
What happens to my donated organs and tissue?
What is a direct donation?
Can I direct a donation?
Can organs be given to people of a different racial group or gender?
Do I have to tell my family?
What if my family is against my donation?
Will donation affect memorial or funeral arrangements?
What if I do not want my remains returned to family members or an estate?
Can my relatives make the donation decision?
Will my decision to donate affect the quality of my medical care?
What is an advance directive for health care choices?
Do I have to have an advance directive for health care choices to be a donor?
I have an advance directive that includes organ donation. Do I need to register in Missouri's Organ and Tissue Donor Registry?
I have a person serving as my health care proxy with a signed power of attorney. Can this person approve donation for me?
How can I become an organ, eye, and tissue donor?
How do I make my decision known?
Can I be a donor without being in the Registry?
What if I’m not a Missouri resident?
Who can be a donor?
Can a person be too old or sick to donate?
Can I be a donor without being in the Registry?
Why is joining the Registry important?
What is PRAMS?
Why should I participate?
Will my answers be kept private?
Some of the questions do not seem related to health care—why are they asked?
How was I chosen to participate in PRAMS?
Where can I get a pregnancy test?
When should I go to the doctor or clinic?
What if I don't have insurance for prenatal care?
What if I don't have insurance for my baby?
How should my baby ride in the car?
Where can individuals go for information and assistance in quitting smoking?
Where can Health Care Providers and families go for information, diagnosis and services for children suspected of having an alcohol related condition?
Where can individuals find more information on the effects of using alcohol, tobacco and other drugs during pregnancy?
How much alcohol is safe, what type of alcohol is safe and is there a time when alcohol is "safe" during pregnancy?
What services are available for pregnant women who use drugs?
Where can individuals go for information and assistance in quitting smoking?
Where can Health Care Providers and families go for evaluation, diagnosis and services for children suspected of having an alcohol related condition?
Where can individuals find more information on the effects of using alcohol, tobacco and other drugs during pregnancy?
Are health care providers required to report substance use by pregnant women?
What services are available for pregnant women who use drugs?
Who can donate drugs to the program?
Can a long-term-care facility donate the unused drugs of a resident?
What medicines can (and cannot) be donated to the program?
A member of my family recently passed away. Can I donate his/her left over medications to the program?
What should I do with my (my family member's) unused medicines, if I cannot donate them?
What are the main types of groundwater wells?
How many private drinking water wells are there in Missouri?
When should I have my well tested?
Who can test my private well water?
How much will testing cost?
Where does Radon come from?
What is the "acceptable" level of radon?
What do I do when I find high radon levels in my home?
I'm thinking of buying a home with a radon mitigation system installed. What should I look for in order to make certain it is working properly?
What are the advantages and disadvantages to having a mitigation system installed?
Why does Missouri need a registry?
Who manages the Registry?
Why register? Isn't it enough to have a heart on my Missouri driver license or id card or carry a donor card?
What happens when I enroll in Missouri's Organ and Tissue Donor Registry?
Who is eligible to sign up on the Registry?
Do I have to renew my donor designation on my license every time my license is renewed?
What will the symbol on my license look like?
Do I have to sign a donor card or my driver license?
What happens to my decision to make an anatomical gift if I lose my instruction permit or driver/nondriver license?
How can I sign up?
I do not want to sign up online. Is there another way for me to register?
May I later withdraw or revoke my consent to be listed on the Organ and Tissue Donor Registry?
May I later change my mind and withdraw my refusal to make a gift?
How can I refuse to make an anatomical gift and bar others from doing so on my behalf?
My name and address have changed. How do I update this?
How can my child receive and stay eligible for SSI benefits?
What is Family Partnership?
How can Family Partnership help my child and our family?
How do I choose a health care plan that will work for my family?
Our facility spent our contract dollars for the current grant year. We still have claims to bill. What should we do?
My client has a Category 4 diagnostic mammogram. Should I generate a referral for temporary BCCT?
My client reports a high deductible health care insurance, cannot afford her deductible, and is otherwise SMHW eligible. How do I bill SMHW for services?
Can a SMHW provider or subcontractor bill a SMHW client for any SMHW services?
Will SMHW reimburse for breast diagnostics for the first occurrence of breast pain/tenderness?
Six months ago, a client had a Category 3/Probably benign diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound. The clinician ordered a 6 month diagnostic mammogram rescreen. Which form type would a 6 month follow-up/rescreen be entered?
What form type is used to enter a diagnostic mammogram following an abnormal Clinical Breast Exam (CBE) or abnormal screening mammogram?
A SMHW client had a breast ultrasound result of Category 4, what should I do?
What visit type should be selected on the MOHSAIC Screening (Blue) form for a client who presents for her annual well woman exam for the first time at your clinic?
What is hemoglobin?
Where does your hemoglobin come from?
What is hemoglobinopathy?
What is sickle cell trait?
How will I know if I have sickle cell trait?
Can I fax or email paperwork in to your office?
What do I need to send in to you so that I can renew my Type 3 permit?
What do I send in with my new Type 3 permit applications?
What if my Type 3 permit has expired?
What do I need to submit to you if I want to conduct a Type 3 class?
What is the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP)?
What is a sponsor?
What types of organizations can sponsor the program?
What types of sites are approved for operation?
How are meals provided?
Can anyone call or text TEL-LINK?
During what hours can I call or text TEL-LINK?
Is TEL-LINK free and can I call or text from anywhere in Missouri?
Does TEL-LINK give recommendations for health care providers?
Can TEL-LINK answer specific questions about my health?
What is the TCD System?
How does the TCD System work?
Who developed the system?
Why does Missouri need a new emergency response system?
How do hospitals receive designation as a trauma, stroke or heart center?
Where can women go for information and assistance in quitting smoking?
Where can Health Care Providers and families go for evaluation, diagnosis and services for children suspected of having an alcohol related condition?
Where can pregnant and pre-conceptional women go for information on the effects of using alcohol, tobacco and other drugs during pregnancy?
Are health care providers required to report substance use by pregnant women?
What is the punishment for pregnant women who use drugs?
Who qualifies for WIC and how do you qualify for WIC?
How can I find a WIC Agency close to me?
What food can I get from WIC?
If I leave the state, how will I find a WIC clinic?
What is a WIC vendor?
Does WIC offer breast pumps?
What is WIC?
Who Qualifies for WIC?
Can men receive WIC benefits?
How can I find a WIC local agency close to me?
What food does WIC provide?
When is medical documentation required?
What qualifying conditions are allowed by WIC to issue exempt formulas and WIC-eligible nutritionals?
What qualifying conditions are not allowed by WIC when requesting exempt formulas and WIC-eligible nutritionals?
Who can complete a Medical Documentation Form (WIC-27)?
What is the approval length for medical documentation?
How can I get an application packet to become a WIC authorized retailer in Missouri?
What do I need to submit to the state agency in addition to my application?
When I complete my application packet, may I fax it to the WIC state agency?
Who can be authorized to be a retailer?
What is a full service grocery store?
Are there local YRBSS data available?
Where can I obtain local data on youth risk behaviors?
Are there local YTS data available?
Where can I obtain local data on tobacco use?
What is Certificate of Need?
When are construction plans required?
How can a facility be certified for participation in the Medicare and/ or Medicaid program? How do I obtain an application?
Which agency is responsible for inspecting and licensing long-term care facilities?
What are the requirements for opening up a long-term care facility?
931 articles →